"People spent a lot of time in flea markets and antique and secondhand stores, and that look was also showing up - not only in closets but in their apartments and houses. It was as if everyone suddenly realized that 'labor' was becoming a thing of the past, that you'd never be able to get the same kind of details in clothes or furniture or anything else ever again" (p. 361).
Warhol, doncs, hi posa data. El producte fet a mà i amb intenció de durar és una cosa del passat. Ja no hi ha necessitat ni interès en fer quelcom que quedi. La victòria de l'animal laborans, deia Arendt referint-se al subjecte el treball del qual té propera data de caducitat, és la victòria de la societat de consum. Ens trobem aquí: el món en una societat de consum és un món projectat per al consum i, en conseqüència, un món que es consumeix. Un món que es devora a si mateix és un món fet per a no existir. Un món que ja no existeix.
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Warhol diu coses interessants. El 1965, en una exposició a Filadèlfia, hi havia tants adolescents dins del recinte que van haver de despenjar els quadres de les parets per por que es fessin malbé.
"I wondered what it was that had made all those people scream. I'd seen kids scream over Elvis and the Beatles and the Stones - rock idols and movie stars - but it was incredible to think of it happening at an art opening. Even a Pop Art opening. But then, we weren't just at the art exhibit - we were the art exhibit, we were the art incarnate and the sixties were really about people, not about what they did; 'the singer / not the song,' etc. Nobody had even cared that the paintings were all off the walls. I was really glad I was making movies instead" (p. 168).
I unes línies més endavant el que escriu fa pensar en l'herència del Pop sobre el Punk, mitjans dels seixanta sobre finals dels setanta:
"The Pop idea, after all, was that anybody could do anything, so naturally we were all trying to do it all. Nobody wanted to stay in one category; we all wanted to branch out into every creative thing we could - that's why when we met the Velvet Underground at the end of '65, we were all for getting into the music scene, too" (p. 169).
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El 1966, Bill Graham vol dur The Velvet Underground al Fillmore de San Francisco i diu a l'entorn de Warhol, "no us puc pagar gaire, però crec en les mateixes coses boniques que vosaltres creieu". Paul Morrissey no dóna crèdit i salta "però aquest tio anava en sèrio? Realment es pensa que nosaltres ens ho creiem tot això?" I Warhol: "That's what so many people never unerstood about us. They expected us to take the things we believed in seriously, which we never did - we weren't intellectuals" (p. 212). Això darrer, que té tanta potència, que sembla una paradoxa però que en realitat no ho és, em fa adonar d'una similitud molt gran entre la manera warholiana d'entendre la vida i la meva, i em permet copsar per què a vegades em sento atret per allò que d'una altra manera em repèl.
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